"Fun I could have had ??"
I could have given answers during the Sunday Watchtower study that pointed out certain ironies in the JW doctrine yet seemed to be in full agreement.
For example, during a study on the revised meaning of the word "generation" I could've raised my hand and said:
"Since the mid 1900's Jehovah's Witnesses have been teaching people throughout the world that those who were of an age of understanding during the year 1914, would not die before Armageddon arrived. Those who rejected our message or didn't accept this teaching were considered to be Apostate or at the very least as un-sheeplike.
Since 1914 is now over 100 years in the past and most everyone alive at that time has passed away, anyone who couldn't accept the reasoning behind the old understanding of the word "generation" will be happy to know that the Governing Body has lovingly provided a clearer understanding of this word. They've made it clear to us that a great grandfather and a great grandchild are of the same generation so long as they were alive during the same overlapping years. We've learned that when Jesus said at Matthew 24:34 "this generation will by no means pass away until all these things are fulfilled" technically he should have said "This generation and anyone whose life later overlaps the lives of this generation's, will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled."